Double-O-Telecommunications is a Telecommunication Services Provider. Our services including Telecommunications Site Survey, Documentation and Training. We are training provider in the field of Mobile Telecommunication Industry.


We also offer our training center with daily & hourly rates as per below

1/2 day Weekdays (5 hours)    - RM 250
Full day Weekdays (10 hours) - RM 300

1/2 day Weekend (5 hours)     - RM 300
Full day Weekend (10 hours)   - RM 350

Nightime (2 hours 8:00-10:00pm) - RM 70

Seats & tables - up to 20 person
Mineral Water (Hot & Warm)
Hot Coffee & Chocolate
Snacks & Biscuits

Location : Taman Tasik Prima
Ctc : SHAM 016-3352083

1 comment:

  1. salam en Sham.. nak tanya couse ni masih buat lg ke sekarang... kalau ada boleh infor bila tu
